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Dedicated to helping you be your best self

Change your mind change your life!
What does your Clinic treat?


Our Hypnotherapy can be used to assist you to overcome behaviours such as phobias, anxiety, low self esteem, smoking, and depression, as well as assist in weight reduction and more. See more >>

Are you stuck in a pattern you need to change?
Do you want to know how to move forward in this stage of your life?
Do you need to find some motivation for change?
Would you like to feel like you can be true to yourself wherever you

are and whoever you’re with?




Discover your life in a new and

empowering way

How does Hypnotherapy work?

Our minds work on two levels - the conscious and the unconscious. We make decisions, think act with our conscious mind. The unconscious mind controls our habits.


In a hypnotherapy session we gently guide you into the relaxed state known as hypnosis. It is in this place you can feel and experience many parts of yourself that are otherwise hidden in the unconscious mind. Unresolved emotions from past experiences can be resolved and healed. We use hypnotherapy to get to the cause of the issue, to release old feelings from the past and tap into your deepest potential.


This is why it can be quick and easy to change habits of a lifetime with hypnotherapy. 


Today the use of hypnotherapy is seen in medicine, dentistry, law enforcement, professional sport and education.


We work with your individual needs. We also use NLP, meridian tapping, destroying myths, and getting rid of habits.


Make an appointment today!
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